Sunday, April 17, 2011

Deviance and Conformity

Deviance is behaviors, traits, and beliefs that are seen as breaking common norms in a society that has a negative reaction. I put this picture of my friend Jacob wearing make-up, in society it would be seen as breaking a common norm because men aren't suppose to wear make-up, this would most likely have a negative reaction from society.

Deviance Avowal
Deviance avowal is when one associates themselves to be a certain way, as being deviant, and gives themselves their own label such as a punk would do.

A crime is a violation of a norm, that has been noted as a violation by the justice system, and is unaccepted in society. For example, I choose this picture of these boys committing a crime by smoking weed. This is seen as a crime, and they could easily be punished for this act.
Violent crime
A violent crime is when someone does something physically abusive to another, violent crimes are means to and end or an objective to a situation. So naturally I choose this picture of me beating up poor Natalie.
Property Crime
A property crime isn't usually violent but can have terrible reprocussions, such as jail time. So I used this example of arson.

1 comment:

  1. Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unaccepted. See the link below for more info.

